Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Last Snow Day

If you're at work, I'm sorry. I won't talk about how I haven't left my couch all morning. What I will talk about is a video I found that has a great, creative idea for what to do with our last big snow (Hopefully).

I love how simple this idea is, especially because you can do anything you want with it. It literally turns the snow into one huge, temporary, canvas!

Think of the possibilities. Hippy Snowman, Police Officer Snowman, Anybody Snowman! Or the fun designs we'll be drawing with chalk this weekend, after the weather gets in the fifties. The idea behind this video is a great way to interact with your family and friends in the snow.

If you don't have a bunch of empty spray bottles laying around, think of what you could do with a water bottle with the cap off, or a hole cut into it.

Here are a few other common household items you can turn into your snow-brush:

1. Old dish sponges
Instead of putting the water-dye mixture in a spray bottle, put it in some bowls, or buckets. Then soak the sponge in a color and do something funky with it on the snow.

2. Loofas
This item could work in the same way the sponge would, just a different texture/design element to try out, if you've realized you've had your loofa for to long.

3. Watering Can
Like the spray bottles it could both hold and dispense the paint, albeit in a less controlled fashion.

4. Fruit & Vegetables
You could cut an apple in half, cut out chunks of it to make a design. That could also be down with a potato, or onion. Take a stick of corn, dip it in a bowl or glass of dyed water, then roll it across the snow.

Also try: artichokes, carrots, radishes, beets, bananas, or orange peels.

5. Q-tips
For the little details, or pointillism snow art.

6. A stick
Just break off  a piece, dip it in your dye water and start sketching the next Snowa Lisa.

7. Paint brush
I bet it would work just as well, if not better than a stick.

Mix the water and dye to whatever ratio you like best or have enough dye for grab some craft "tools" and get out in the snow and play today!

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